

答:该短语复数是Places of interest。place意思是地方,属于可数名词,所以表示多处名胜古迹时,place采用复数形式,所以要用places。而在place of interest短语中,interest意指“吸引人的性质”,是不可数名词,interest无复数形式,所以place of interest的复数形式是是places of interest。

place of interest有复数吗
答:有复数 places of interest 名胜(之地)


请问名胜古迹place of interst怎么改复数?
答:正确答案:places of interest 只在主体名词place 变成复数即可,后面的of interest 相当于定语,不用变复数 ^^^ 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 不明白请继续追问,可以详谈嘛(*^__^*)^^^

a place of interest的复数形式是什么?
答:名胜古迹 places of interest

places of interests和places of interest有什么区别
答:places of interest 读音:英 [ˈpleɪsɪz ɒv ˈɪntrəst] 美 [ˈpleɪsɪz əv ˈɪntrəst]释义:名胜古迹。语法:places of interest是place of interest的复数形式,含义相同。例句:The small towns has...

place of interest有没有复数

答:place of interest(单数) places of interest(复数)scenic spots and historical sites(泛指多处景点)特指名胜古迹 :scenic spots and historical sites 拜访名胜古迹 :Visit sites and monuments ; Visit scenic spots ; Visit places of interest 世界名胜古迹: World famous sights and monuments...

places of interest前面要加the吗
答:places of interest前面可以加the也可以不加,加或不加需要根据语法和句意开决定。加the:the places of interest是复数形式,也是名胜古迹的意思。例句:The places of interest in Xi'an attract my family all the time, and I hope we will be enjoying ourselves this time next year.句意:...

places of interest什么意思?
答:"Places of interest"是指“有趣的地方”,是一个复数名词短语,其中的“interest”是名词,表示吸引人、引起兴趣的事物或地方。这个短语通常用于描述一个城市或地区内的多个旅游景点、名胜古迹等。例如:“London has many places of interest, such as the Tower of London, the British Museum, and ...


(17085895692) placeofinterest的复数怎么说 -
邬维耐____ places of interest 是复数 place og interest是单数象苹果数的复数:apple tree apple trees 特殊的男女医生:woman (men) doctor women (men) doctors ...

(17085895692) place of interest有复数吗 -
邬维耐____ 有复数places of interest 名胜(之地)

(17085895692) 名胜这个英语词组:a place of interest.能不能用some place interest表示复数啊? -
邬维耐____[答案] some places of interest

(17085895692) 名胜古迹place of interst怎么改复数 -
邬维耐____ places of interest 释义 名胜古迹 网络 名胜 Could you introduce some famous places of interest here?你能介绍一些名胜古迹吗?

(17085895692) placeofinterest 的音标是什么? -
邬维耐____ 英文原文: place of interest 英式音标: [pleɪs] [ɒv; (ə)v] [ˈɪnt(ə)rɪst] 美式音标: [ples] [əv] [ˈɪntrəst]